Ask your friends, family and neighbors for some ideas as to how you can increase your income. You never know what ideas they might have.
Business. Start your own business. It doesn't have to be complicated. It could be as simple as babysitting or baking bread.
Creativity. Even if you think you aren't a creative person, if you truly need to generate extra cash you will think of something.
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Daily. Spend some time every day planning and taking action as to how you are going to generate some extra income.
Ebay. Chances are high that you have some things in your house or garage you could sell or that you could find some items which could be resold at a profit.
Fleamarkets. These can be great places to either sell something you have made or bought for a profit or for locating merchandise to resell.
Garage sales. You could either host your own or browse around at others for merchandise to resell.
Home party, If you already sell something you could host one using your own business or merchandise or you could offer to host one for a friend who has a business and earn free products or possible income.
Internet. If you know how to create webpages you could offer this to others or use your imagination there are many ways to make some extra cash on the Internet.
Journal. Write down every day any ideas which come to your head and keep track of your income and expenses, in order to figure out where you may be able to cut back.
Knitting. This is a fairly easy hobby to learn and you can make slippers, washcloths and other small items and sell these.
Learn. Consider learning how to do or make something different which you could then teach or offer to others to increase your income.
Make something. Many people are to busy nowadays to make homemade bread or other nice items. Make one of these things and sell them to others.
Newspapers. Many times you can find ads for people looking for help with odd jobs as well as coupons to save you money.
Online marketing. Many businesses simply do not have the time to market themselves online and you could offer your services to them.
Prepared. How many times have you spent extra money because you were
Quilts. Are you crafty$%: What about making one of these and offering it up for sale$%: It could even be a tie-quilt. It doesn't need to be too fancy.
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Records, keep records of all of your spending, saving and income and increase your cash by becoming more aware.
Shopping. There are many companies and businesses looking for Mystery shoppers. Do some of these assignments and you can earn some extra cash.
Tutoring. What subject are you an expert in$%: How can you offer your services to others in exchange for some extra cash$%:
Writing. Although making a full time income through writing can be difficult, there are many people who make some extra money this way. How can you use writing to make some extra cash$%: